Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Bootstrap Table Creating Tutorial

Bootstrap table tutorial for new web developer for easy to class this tutorial to shoe you different type of bootstrap tutorial there is 6 type of bootstrap table for show you code and output. there is manu use to table in web development to show a user data and many data opration

Basic Table

Bootstrap Basic table fro no border and simple look and no special function

Bootstrap striped row

Striped table like zebra-strip table

Hower Table

Hower table to enable to show a arrow

Condensed Table

condensed table fro more capable to row span and cole spane

Table Border

Table border to creat border to table to outline

Contextual Classes Table

Contextual class to use a particulate row to highlight to use colored it was usee to a and to use a .success for a green row ,.danger for reb row and .info for a blue row


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